Frame Processor Plugins
Frame Processor Plugins are native plugins that can process data in a Frame and return values to a JS Frame Processor.
These plugins are written in native languages such as Java/Kotlin, Objective-C/Swift, or even C++ to make use of GPU-acceleration, low-level APIs, and overall faster performance.
Similar to react-native libraries, Frame Processor Plugins are distributed through npm and come with a native module boilerplate so they can be autolinked.
Installing a Plugin​
- Install using npm:
npm i vision-camera-xxxxx
cd ios && pod install
- Rebuild your app and use the plugin
Plugin List​
- mrousavy/react-native-fast-tflite: A plugin to run any Tensorflow Lite model inside React Native, written in C++ with GPU acceleration.
- mrousavy/vision-camera-resize-plugin: A plugin for fast frame resizing, cropping and YUV/RGB pixel-format conversion using SIMD and CPU-Vector acceleration.
- mrousavy/vision-camera-image-labeler: A plugin to label images using MLKit Vision Image Labeler.
- rodgomesc/vision-camera-face-detector: A plugin to detect faces using MLKit Vision Face Detector.
- rodgomesc/vision-camera-qrcode-scanner: A plugin to read barcodes using MLKit Vision QrCode Scanning
- mgcrea/vision-camera-barcode-scanner: A high performance barcode scanner for React Native using VisionCamera
- mrousavy/Colorwaver: An app (+ plugin) to detect color palettes in the real world.
- xulihang/vision-camera-dynamsoft-barcode-reader: A plugin to read barcodes using Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
- xulihang/vision-camera-dynamsoft-label-recognizer: A plugin to recognize text on labels, MRZ passports, etc. using Dynamsoft Label Recognizer.
- tony-xlh/vision-camera-dynamsoft-document-normalizer: A plugin to scan documents using Dynamsoft Document Normalizer with features like document border detection and perspective transformation.
- tony-xlh/vision-camera-cropper: A plugin to crop frames and save frames to files or as base64.
- aarongrider/vision-camera-ocr: A plugin to detect text in real time using MLKit Text Detector (OCR).
- yasintorun/vision-camera-base64: A plugin to convert a Frame to a base64 string.
- nonam4/react-native-vision-camera-face-detector: A V3 frame processor plugin to detect faces using MLKit Vision Face Detector.
- gev2002/react-native-vision-camera-v3-face-detection: The frame processor plugin to detect faces using Google ML Kit Face detection library for react-native-vision-camera with high performance and many options.
- gev2002/react-native-vision-camera-v3-image-labeling: The frame processor plugin to image labeling using Google ML Kit Image labeling library for react-native-vision-camera with high performance.
- gev2002/react-native-vision-camera-v3-pose-detection: The Frame processor plugin for detecting pose using Google ML Kit Pose detection library for react-native-vision-camera with high performance.
- gev2002/react-native-vision-camera-v3-barcode-scanner: The frame processor plugin for scanning barcodes using Google ML Kit Barcode scanning library for react-native-vision-camera with high performance.
- gev2002/react-native-vision-camera-v3-text-recognition: The frame processor plugin for text recognition using Google ML Kit Text recognition library for react-native-vision-camera with high performance.
Click here to add your Frame Processor Plugin to this list!